EFIX ELECTRICAL DOOEL is a company registered in December 2013. The initial activities were in the period on the eve of the New Year holidays. The first orders were for the performance of New Year lighting in several hotel and restaurant facilities. Due to the knowledge that in Macedonia the entire lighting is with outdated technology, we decided that we should develop in that direction. We have established communication and cooperation with one of the most powerful companies in the world from China for the production of LED technology and lighting. Their brand DICKEN LIGHTING is known on all continents in the world, so after several orders of their products we have already become recognizable on the Macedonian market.
Energy efficiency was our main topic and direction in which we decided to develop in parallel with LED technology. We are proud to announce that since 2016 we are service partners of the most successful Austrian - American inverter corporation FRONIUS, with which we have designed and performed many solar projects on the territory of Macedonia, Austria and Germany, which allowed us to upgrade our cooperation in 2020 to Fronius System Partners. Our work and quality have been recognized by the energy association “Solar Macedonia”, where we are their members since 2020. In all our solar projects we install only the modules of the highest quality manufacturers worldwide like: Jinko Solar, Trina, Santek, Osda, Austa, Blusan Solar, etc. following the latest production technologies of polycrystalline and monocrystalline modules with the highest efficiency. For better visual acquaintance with a small part of our LED and SOLAR projects we invite you to visit the galleries from our website in the GALLERY section.